BROSCHEIT Maschinen- & Anlagenbau GmbH

With more than 40 years of experience as a supplier in mechanical engineering, we offer you the production of complex mechanical parts with modern CNC-machines.

Our core competencies are CNC-manufacturing (milling / turning) and fabrication of welding assemblies. We offer longtime experience in the machining of complex milled parts and welding assemblies of stainless steel.

Our purchasers are producers of vacuum and plasma technology, measurement and testing technology, as well as photovoltaics, packaging machines and special purpose machines.

With more than 30 highly qualified and dedicated employees, we ensure an individual, timely and accurate execution of your orders.


Our company was funded by the European Union.

MB Broscheit arbeitet nach ISO 9001

MB BROSCHEIT is certified to DIN EN ISO 9001.

MB Broscheit | Gewerbegebiet 10 a | 01689 Niederau OT Ockrilla | phone: +49 3521 40907-00